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Identifying Highway Stripes

Identifying Highway Stripes

By James Davis

Highway stripes use different colors and markings to convey important information to drivers:

White lines: Separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.

Yellow lines: Separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions.

Double yellow lines: Prohibit passing in both directions.

Solid white lines: Indicate the edge of the road or a lane barrier.

Dashed white lines: Allow lane changes or indicate an exit lane.

Solid yellow lines: Indicate a no passing zone.

Dashed yellow lines: Indicate a passing zone with caution.

Solid white lines with diagonal stripes: Warn drivers of an upcoming lane reduction or merge.

Crosswalk lines: Mark pedestrian crossing areas.

Stop lines: Indicate where vehicles must stop at an intersection or crosswalk.

It is important to follow these markings to ensure safety on the road.