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The Yoga Trucker

There was a trucker named Jack who drove a big rig across the country, delivering cargo from one coast to the other. He loved his job and the freedom of the open road, but the long hours of driving could be grueling and exhausting. One day, after driving for nearly 20 hours straight, Jack finally pulled into a rest stop for his 34-hour break. He was exhausted and in need of a good stretch. As he stepped out of his cab, he noticed a group of yogis practicing in a grassy area near the restrooms. Intrigued, Jack walked over to see what they were up to. He watched in amazement as they gracefully moved through their poses, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. Suddenly, one of the yogis flipped into a headstand and held the position with ease. Jack was inspired. He had never been one for yoga or exercise, but the idea of standing on his head for a change appealed to him. So, he took off his boots, rolled up his pant legs, and gave it a try. To his surprise, he found that he was